American Journal Of Pharmacy And Health Research

ISSN NO.: 2321-3647
May 2023 Issue 05

Status and impact of Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram in Lodha Block, Aligarh, U.P. - A field survey

Sameer Ahmad Kazi1, B K Padhi2, Md Tanwir Alam3*, Afeefa Kazmi3

1.Medical Officer, Aligarh, U.P., India,

2. PhD, HoD, Garhwal University, Uttrakhand,

3.Assistant Professor, D/O Preventive and Social Medicine, Govt. Tibbi College & Hospital, Patna, PG Scholar, D/O Medicine, GTCH, Patna


To assess the status and impact of services being provided under Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) programme specifically Child Health Screening and Early Intervention Services under NHM, the rural community of the Lodha Block, Aligarh, were surveyed. To make awareness among community peoples of rural areas in Lodha block of district Aligarh (U.P) about the RBSK programme of NHM this study was conducted. 878 care givers and 170 community members of the 8 villages of the mentioned block of the Aligarh districts has been interviewed and data recorded. Duration of the study was 21st Sep 2022 to 10th Oct 2022.  Of all the care givers interviewed, nearly 60% of the caregivers had a child with 4Ds, 33% of them had children identified with developmental delays, and 22% of them had children with birth defects. Congenital Heart Disease (CHDs) was the most common birth defect (25%), and language delay was the most common developmental delay (27%).

Keywords: RBSK; NHM; NRHM; Unani Medicine; Child Health; MPH.