Dhanya.C.S1*, C.I.Sajeeth2, Kiran.D.R3, Deepthi Govindankutty4, Sujitha Ravindran5.
1. PG Scholars, Dept. of Pharmacy Practice, Under Kerala University of Health Sciences, Grace College of Pharmacy, Palakkad, Kerala,
2. Professor, H.O.D, Dept. of Pharmacy Practice, Grace College of Pharmacy, Palakkad, Kerala
3. Associate Professor, Dept. of General medicine, Karuna Medical College, Palakkad, Kerala
4. PG Scholars, Dept. of Pharmacy Practice, Under Kerala University of Health Sciences, Grace College of Pharmacy, Palakkad, Kerala
5. PG Scholars, Dept. of Pharmacy Practice, Under Kerala University of Health Sciences, Grace College of Pharmacy, Palakkad, Kerala
The main aim of the study to evaluate the association between co morbid conditions with respiratory tract infections and assess the targeted therapy in treating respiratory pathogens associated with co morbidity. We performed a prospective observational study, evaluating respiratory tract infectious patients, with or without co morbidity. This study was carried out during June 2013 to October 2013. Among 170 RTIs patients enrolled in the study, in that 11(6.5%) were diagnosed with Cardiovascular diseases, 51(30%) with Endocrine disorders, 9 (5.3%) with Hepatic diseases, 7 (4.12%) patients with Genito urinary diseases, 6 (3.53%) with Autoimmune disorders, 25 (14.7%) with Respiratory diseases, 1 (0.59%) patients with immunocompromised diseases and 10 (5.88%) patients with central nervous system diseases. Among 170 patients, in that 120 (70.59%) RTIs patients with co morbidity and 50 (29.41%) normotensive patients without co morbidity. Antibiotics were given as empirical therapy and targeted therapy RTIs patient with co morbidity, in that 91(53.53%) treated as empirically and 29(17.06%) as targeted therapy. The patients with diabetes mellitus had greater risk of developing RTIs. When a patient reports a RTI with co morbidity, it is necessary to identify and assess the co morbidity so as to prevent further complications and irrational therapy. Hence, for patients with RTIs and co morbidity, it is very essential to perform the culture and sensitivity pattern.
Key words: RTIs, Co morbidity, Empirical therapy, Targeted therapy.