Effect of selected Asanas and Physical Exercises on Cervical Spondylosis
Ruchi Srivastava1, Rajendra Prasad2*
1.Deptt. Of Physical
Education, RBS college, Agra
2.Deptt. Of Kayachikitsa, Ims, Bhu, Varanasi
Objective of the study was to find out the effect of selected Asanas
and physical exercises on Cervical Spondylosis. For this study subjects were selected purposely from Out Patients
Department of Kayachikitsa, Sir Sundarlal Hospital and different play grounds
of between the age of 20 to 70 years were selected for the study. All subjects
were divided into 3 groups i.e. Group A, B and C. For each group 30 subjects
were selected. Group A was considered as asanas and physical exercises group,
group B was given ayurvedic drug and group C was considered as control group.
The data was analyzed using the SPSS. In order to find out the Effect of selected
asanas and physical exercises on Cervical Spondylosis, a statistical technique was
employed at the 0.05 level of significance. Result of study showed significant
changes in neck pain problem in pre and post-test condition of group A. In group B and C no significant difference
were observed pre and post-test.
Keywords: Neck
pain, Asanas, Isometric neck exercises, Cervical spondylosis, Muscles, Nerves.