Effect of Majoone Chobchini in Post Chikungunya Arthralgia - A Randomized Placebo Control Study
Md. Nadeem1, Mohd
Aleemuddin Quamri2
1.Department of Moalajat Zulfequar Haider Unani
Medical College & Hospital, Nawalpur Siwan (Bihar)
2.Department of Moalajat, National Institute of Unani Medicine Bengaluru
is one of the common presentations in general practice and viral infection is
one of the causes of arthralgia, which is typically self limiting and do not
require any specific treatment, unless it prolong. Some of the viruses have
predilection for the joints and arthritis is one of the common presenting sign
of infection. Poly arthralgia is the
most frequent chronic manifestation of post viral Chikungunya, required multi drug therapy to
manage. Keeping in view of the indications of Majoone Chobchini as a drug of choice
for Wajaul Mafasil and Mussafi Dam, it is hypothesized that it
may found effective in post Chikungunya
virus (CHIKV) arthralgia. Therefore, to evaluate the efficacy of Majoone Chobchini and to validate the
claims scientifically this trial was conducted. This study was conducted as a
single blind randomized placebo controlled trial on 30 patients of Post
Chikungunya arthralgia where test group (n =20) and control (n=10) were
received Majoone Chobchini and
Placebo 5 gms each respectively twice a day after meal for thirty days. The
study outcome was assessed as subjective parameters i.e., Pain in joints,
swelling in joints, difficulty in movement and morning stiffness of joints at
baseline, 8th, 15th, 22th and 30th day and objective parameters VAS, DAS,
HAQ, CRP and ESR were assessed on pre and post study. The study effects on
subjective parameters like (Pain in joints, swelling in joints, Difficulty in
movement, Morning stiffness of joints) were found significantly reduced in
comparison of control group, similarly the objective parameters (VAS, DAS-28,
HAQ) were also found highly significant with p<0.001and CRP was found
moderately significant with p<0.016 whilst an ESR (p<0.373) remained
unchanged in both the groups. These
results were assessed statistically using âtâ test paired and unpaired, Fischer
exact test, Mann Whitney U test and Wilcoxon Signed rank test This comparative
clinical trial on post Chikungunya arthralgia reveals that Majoone Chobchini is effective in ameliorating joints pain was
found statistically significant in comparison of placebo without any adverse
effects. Therefore, it can be concluded that Majoone Chobchini can be used as drug of choice in the management
of painful joins associated with viral infections also.
Keywords: Majoone
Chobchini; Post Viral Chickungunya
Arthalgia; Wajaul Mafasil