Antihypertensive activity of Gossypin against L-NAME induced hypertension in rats
Hawaldar Shafi 1*,
V M Chandrashekar2, Mallappa S2
college of Pharmacy
2.Department of Pharmacology, HSK college of Pharmacy, Karnataka
(3,5,7,3,4-pentahydroxy-8-o-glucoside) a bioflavonoid was evaluated for protection against L-NAME(L-NG-Nitroarginine
methylester) induced hypertension in albino rats, based on its effects on body
weight of animals and arterial blood pressure. Male adult albino rats
(220-2600gm)were used in this study. The hypertensive activity was measured
using AD 8 channel Lab chart solution instrument. The activity was carried out
in acute and chronic models .In acute studies animals were divided into 5 equal
groups of five rats each. group I was the normal group received normal saline
and group II as control group received L-NAME (20mg/kg i.v after 30 minutes of
arterial cannulation .Group III as standard received losartan (10 mg/kg
b.w.i.v) after increase in B.P produced by L-NAME while group IV, V. received
gossypin at a dose of 5,10, mg/kg b.w i.p after inducing hypertension. In
chronic studies animals were divided into 6 equal groups of 6 animals each.
Group I normal group received normal saline orally for 4wks and group II
received L-NAME (40mg/kg p.o )for 4 wks Group III as STD group received
losartan (20mg/kg p.o) while group IV.V.VI
as treated groups received Gossypin( 5,10,20,mg/kg b.w p.o)for 4 wks.
After last dose the animals were examined for weight variation and B.P
determination by invasive method using AD instrument. The left carotid artery
was cannulated for B.P measurement and femoral vein for drug administration.
The hypertension induced by L-NAME
was indicated by
elevated levels in systolic B.P
and decrease in body weight of animals. In acute hypertension, L-NAME increases
systolic B.P and mean B.P and decrease in heart rate which was administrated
through carotid artery after 30 mins of stabilization of B.P. There was increase in systolic and mean B.P
and decrease in heart rate. The drug was administered by I.P shows significant
reduction in elevated b.p which was observed for 2hrs.In chronic hypertension
L-NAME induced group shows increase in B.P and decrease in body weight. The
treated groups has shown reduction in elevated B.P and managed weight of
animals. We suggest that Gossypin had effect on hypertension in L-NAME induced
hypertensive rat by acute and chronic administration.
L-NAME, Gossypin, carotid artery, hypertension, BP, IP, PO.