A Prospective Study Of Prescription Pattern and Assessing the Psychiatric Co-Morbidities In Dementia Patients In A Tertiary Care Hospital In South Kerala
Neethu J1*, Aranya K Sreekumar1,
Jibin John1, Kavya Shyam1, Reshma S Reghu2 ,
Prasobh GR3
1.Associate professor, Department of pharmacy practice, Sreekrishna
college of pharmacy and research centre, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
2. Fifth year Pharm D students, Sreekrishna college of pharmacy and
research centre, Thiruvananthapuram,Kerala, India
3. Principal ,Head Of Department of pharmacy
practice, Sreekrishna college of pharmacy and research centre,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala , India
Dementia is one of the most common
disorders among elderly patients, Worldwide 7.7 million new cases of dementia
were anticipated each year, implying one new case every 4.1 seconds. The aim of the study is to assess the psychiatric co
morbidity and prescribing pattern in a tertiary care hospital in south India. This
was an Prospective Observational Study conducted at tertiary care hospital.
Prospective data was collected from outpatient and inpatient department. Out of
16 patients the common type of dementia reported was Alzheimer’s disease found
in ,56.3% of the cases followed by vascular dementia and the prescribed drugs
were Memantine (37.5%) is the prescribed drug for most of the dementia cases
followed by donepezil (25%), Memantine + donepezil combination (18.75%),
Rivastigmine (12.5%), Memantine + Rivastigmine combination (6.2%). The common type of dementia reported
was Alzheimers and Memantine was the most commonly prescribed drug in mono-therapy
and among combination therapy Memantine–donepezil combination was mostly
Keywords: dementia, prescribing pattern,
psychiatric co morbidity