Pharmacological & Non-Pharmacological Interventions For Stroke Induced Depression: A Review
Silvia Navis1*,
Rinu Mary Thomas2, Sam Jincy Das2, Prasobh GR2
and Head, Department Of Pharmacology, Sree Krishna College of Pharmacy and
Research Center, TVM
2.Doctor of Pharmacy Student, Sree Krishna College Of Pharmacy And
Research Centre, TVM
Post stroke depression (PSD) is a mood
disorder in which depression and anhedonia results from stroke. Stroke is a
neurological deficit of cerebrovascular cause which persist either beyond 24hrs
or is interrupted by death within 24hrs. Depression is a common mental disorder
characterized by depressed mood, loss of interest, Feeling of guilt, disturbed
sleep, decreased appetite. Development of PSD may result from the mental
distress associated with physical disability. There is no reliable and universal
treatment for PSD despite its debilitating effects on quality of life in stroke
patients. Most of the antidepressant influences the serotoninergic, adrenergic
and dopaminergic systems with the aim of accelerating serotonin, dopamine and
nor-epinephrine. The different therapeutic approaches to treat PSD include
Antidepressants, psychotherapy, surgical therapy, Transcranial magnetic
stimulation, acupuncture, music therapy. In this review we are compiling
different treatment options available for post stroke depression.
Post stroke depression, antidepressant,
psychotherapy, Transcranial magnetic stimulation, acupuncture, music therapy